Corporate and Open Teams 
Gate River Run is pleased to announce that we have Corporate and Open Team Competition this year. The Team Division is intended to add another fun aspect to the race. Get your friends, family and fellow employees together to run or walk the 15K or 5K. Total entries in the 15K and 5K will be added together to determine total participation awards. Awards for the top finishing teams will only be calculated in the 15K.
- Team Captain should first enter either the 15K or the 5K.
- As Team Captain registers they will be able to set up a team.
- Team Captain will be able to monitor team registrations and make changes as necessary.
- Once the Captain has set up the team, ask fellow employees, friends, or family to join.
- Each team member must enter individually and select the team they want to join from the drop down list of team names.
Most participation awards – The top three teams (corporate or Open) with the most participation in the 15 and/or 5K will receive awards.
15K Team Competition – The top three teams in the Corporate division and the top three teams in the Open division will win awards based on the first 4 team members to finish based on chip times. The top four scoring members can be a combination of either gender or all scoring member can be all from one gender. .